Category Archives: Cooking Courses

Japanese Cuisine: Oyako Donburi

At Cook with Basil, we’ve been working on perfecting dishes for our upcoming courses. Oyako Donburi is one of my favourites. I ate Oyako Donburi for the first time a few months ago in a Japanese restaurant in London – I was completely bowled over. It was delicious and so refreshing! We decided it was a must for our ‘Asian Cuisine‘ cookery course.

Cook with Basil Oyako Donburi

Chef Basil

Cook with Basil Home

Hello from Cook with Basil!


We are Cook with Basil. A fresh alternative to traditional cookery courses.

We deliver cooking courses straight to your door so you can learn from the comfort of your own home. We measure out the exact quantities of each of the ingredients required for each dish for your convenience. The best part is, we guarantee our meals take no longer than 45 minutes to cook! Additionally, we throw in an extra course for free, to complete the meal.

Find out more at:

Our next course is: ‘Indian Cuisine’ – an excellent opportunity to learn authentic Indian cooking from rolling your own Parathas to the perfect Fish Curry.

You can find out more about the course at: Indian Cuisine

We look forward to hearing from you!

Chef Basil